lunedì 29 novembre 2010

Interview - Jamendo

Combine humorous lyrics, limitless creativity and true heavy metal talent, and you’ve got Nanowar. The Rome-based metal band recently published their newest album, Into the Gay Pride Ride, on jamendo, which is their second album to be offered on the site. Their fans have had nothing but love for their new music so click here to listen for yourself, and read on to learn more about the band and laugh…

nanowar into the gay pride ride

10 Questions with Nanowar
1. Describe Nanowar using five words or less.
Baffo: Tutorial
Gatto: Jinglebells
Abdul: Permafrost
Potowotominimak: Mild Aphrodisiac
UinonaRaider: Spazioblast
2. You are currently based in Rome – are all five members of Nanowar Italian? How did you meet?
Gatto: I am actually based in Madrid, the capital of Indonesia. My mother comes from Minnesota (Uzbekistan) and my father from Bogota, near Milan, from forefathers of south Swedish descent - the definition of my ethnicity is still quite problematic. We met tomorrow, at the funeral of Notorious B.I.G.
Potowotominimak: I’m from Azerbaijan, country of a thousand broken dreams, flowing away in an endless sea at the edge of self-confidence. We met in the backyard of Westminster Abbey.
3. The words to your music is humorous and very original – who in the group pens your lyrics and where do they draw their inspiration?
Baffo: My personal inspiration comes from my pulmonary respiration. This help me to stay alive - if I don’t do that, I’m gonna die!
Gatto: My inspiration comes from within, from the depths of my bowels. I get inspired every time I have lunch - after a few hours, the product of my inspiration comes to reality, sitting on a ceramic throne. That’s what I call “second hand food production.”
4. Are any members of the group involved in musical projects outside of the metal genre?
Abdul: Yes, I play in a band called “Steel of Iron of the Dragon Power Flame,” whose most known song is “Dragon of Iron of the Flame Power Steel.” Apart from this I write, sing and play my own songs recorded in my home studio, but it is not a metal project - just rock.
Potowotominimak: You can hear it in our album: I playstation.
5. You have been lucky enough to tour around Europe several times. Which is your favorite European city to perform in and which fans have the best energy at your shows?
Baffo: Switzerland, for the king, for the land, for the mountain.
6. Tell us about your new album! How is “Into Gay Pride Ride” different from or similar to your previous albums?
Abdul: It is different from the previous album, in the fact that it is not the same.
Baffo: About your new album! How is “Into Gay Pride Ride” different from or similar…sorry my mistake.
Gatto: It has mainly two different things: the cover and the title.
Potowotominimak: I’m proud of the new generations, which against all odds keep listening to our albums, despite the reactionary heavy metal lobbies, which are trying to boycott our art.
UinonaRaider: This new stuff is different, really. More snare reverb and guitar mid-pitch. Also new haircut!
7. Who comes up with the concepts for your album cover art and who actually draws them?
Abdul: Giorgio Armani.
Baffo: Leonardo Da Vinci.
Potowotominimak: Potowotominimak…this is a serious answer!!! :(
8. Do you have any upcoming tours planned or new videos in the works to support your new release?
Abdul: We planned a new video in the works to support the new release of any upcoming tour which will start tomorrow at 10 o’clock and will finish yesterday at 26 pm.
Potowotominimak: No, we haven’t.
9. How has the band evolved in the seven years you’ve been together?
Abdul: At the beginning we were all dinosaurs…you know how it ended…
Gatto: Yes, for example, when we started we all had long hair, now we cut them. Evolution = less hair (see e.g. monkeys and human beings).
Baffo: we evolved like “Pokemon evolution”.
10. What is one thing you’d like your Jamendo fans to know about the band?
Abdul: The secret is in the mozzarella.
Gatto: That there’s a secret button in Jamendo called “donate to the band”. Yes, you can actually do it!
Baffo: I don’t have pants.

Review - Bloodchamber

Wie die meisten „Fun Metal“ Bands sind auch die Italiener NANOWAR OF STEEL ne zweischneidige Angelegenheit, denn je nach Tagesform und persönlichem Humorverständnis kann man die Truppe entweder ziemlich lustig oder einfach nur komplett scheiße finden. Allerdings muss man den Jungs schon zugute halten, dass sie im Gegensatz zu einer spaßfreien Veranstaltung wie z.B. J.B.O. durchaus mit Stil vorgehen und die ausgesuchten Vorbilder MANOWAR, RHAPSODY OF FIRE und BLIND GUARDIAN ansprechend und gekonnt persiflieren.

Zwar hätten die CD ruhig weniger sinnfreie Zwischenspiele vertragen können, aber die „vollwertigen“ Songs der Marke „NanowaR“, „Blood Of The Queens“ oder „Karkagnor’s Song: The Hobbit“ sind kompetent eingespielt worden und verzichten vor allem konsequent darauf, das Original nur stumpf zu covern. Stattdessen braut man sein eigenes Süppchen und zitiert mehr, anstatt ganze Passagen zu verwursten und nur den Text auf lustig zu trimmen. Dafür werden immer wieder bekannte Tracks aus anderen Genres mit in die Stücke eingebaut, sei es „The Wall“, „What A Wonderful World“ oder das Blue Oyster Bar Thema aus „Police Academy“ – wobei man schon sagen muss, dass der Gayness Faktor im Großen und Ganzen recht gering ausfällt. Schade eigentlich, ähem.

Richtig nervig ist in erster Linie „nur“ der penetrante (vermutlich so gewollte) italienische Akzent, der sich leider nur schwer überhören lässt – ansonsten machen NANOWAR OF STEEL vieles richtig, zumindest in den engen Grenzen, die sie sich selbst gesteckt haben.
Mich persönlich haut die Scheibe nach zwei, drei Durchläufen ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr vom Hocker (das mit der Langzeitwirkung haben die GRINDFUCKERS besser drauf), aber dies wird – siehe oben – je nach Typ verschieden sein. Daher sei hier auch mal ausnahmsweise auf eine Wertung verzichtet.
Da man sich die Platte ohnehin kostenlos über die Homepage der Gaylords runterladen kann, möge jeder für sich selbst herausfinden, ob er darüber lachen oder weinen kann.


lunedì 22 novembre 2010

Review - Metal Invader - 5/5

I could just write the titles of the 16 tracks (9 songs, 6 intro, 1 outro) of the 3rd album by NANOWAR OF FIRE and everyone would understand what album we are dealing with.‘Into Gay Pride Ride’ is an amusing album, nice to hear it if you want to have fun. I believe that's a great reason to hear music... They satirize all the clichés of true, epic, power and heavy metal. But as you can imagine MANOWAR and RHAPSODY OF FIRE are their favourites. What they do they do it in a unique way. They mocked with many other bands not only from the metal phasma. PINK FLOYD for example, has not been able to escape from the Italians. 'Odino & Valhalla' that is my favorite song is a mix of MANOWAR and RHAPSODY OF FIRE, PINK FLOYD's 'Another Brick In The Wall' with an epic bridge of ‘Lambada’ (yes Lambada!!!!) , with the theme song from ‘The Good, The Bad And The Ugly’ (ENNIO MORRICCONE) through the whole thing. Another highlight is the closing song ‘Karkangnor’s Song’ – ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘In The Forest’ – that it is a Blind Guardian hilarious parody. Even poser/glam bands are on target on ‘Surprise Love’, which is a parody of POISON and BON JOVI, together with a piece of Shaggy’s ‘Boombastic’.
    Completely humorous ‘Into Gay Pride Ride’ is much better than their 2 previous releases musically speaking. Top level power metal such as GAMMA RAY with a mix of everything is the only way I can describe it though! If you take yourselves to serious, you have a problem with NANOWAR OF STEEL. But that's the last you have to worry about.


giovedì 18 novembre 2010

Review - Ultrarock

Le genre : Spinal Tap alla carbonara
The return of the revenge of the almighty (nano)warriors of the trou métal of steel !
Entre reprises de Metallica, parodies de Manowar et pastiches de Rhapsody, les affreux nabots romains se sont fait un (sur)nom au Panthéon des dieux métalliques. Assez proches, dans l'esprit si ce n'est dans la note, de nos Bidochons François, ces (bons) musiciens prennent en effet un malin plaisir à jouer (au second degré) les partitions (très premier degré) de certains d'entre leurs collègues. La qualité d'interprétation de ces morceaux, enregistrés « dans ta chambre » et toujours truffés de citations musicales, est irréprochable. Certaines plages ne sont que prétextes à inscrire le titre sur la jaquette, tandis que d'autres sont de véritables sketches musicaux. Amateurs d'humour te-bê, et de blagues à deux balles, here's to you (comme dirait Joan Baise… je sais c'est nul, mais c'est dans le thème !).
Comme d'habitude, la bande à Turilli ( Look At Two Reels  !) en prend pour son grade (il faut reconnaître qu'ils attirent la foudre). Blind Guardian a droit à ses Karkagnor's Song 1 et 2. On reconnaît l'intro avortée du Paradise City des G'N'R insérée dans le foutraque mais maîtrisé (le solo) Surprise Love . Je suis personnellement plus sensible aux références historiques. Nanowar, en Trou Lonesome Warrior Of The Light Of The Great Universe of Metââl, conscient que, si on ne sait pas toujours où aller, il est important de savoir d'où on vient, s'est replongé dans ses classiques 70's. Et de citer, pêle-mêle : Queen (normal pour une Gay Pride), Santana et jusqu'à El Bimbo (ô joie du disco !)
En bon ronchon qui se respecte, je ne peux qu'écrire que l'inspiration n'est pas toujours au rendez-vous, que la veine Gay Metal frôle l'hémorroïde (pourquoi toujours sembler taper sur les homos ?) et que tous les titres n'ont pas le calibre d'un Tricycles of Steel . Mais, bien que Nanowar ne puisse s'empêcher de s'auto-citer (en même temps, que fait Manowar, album après album ?), certaines idées sont rafraîchissantes et on sourit souvent. Je reconnais volontiers que Nanowar, c'est meilleur en compil' (qui permet le tri sélectif) car il y a du déchet. Je retiendrai donc ici Nanowar et Stormlord of Power .

En conclusion : dans le microcosme souvent nombriliste des métalleux-qui-se-la-pètent, NanowaR ose se moquer des autres en passant pour un gros clown, misant le paquet (non, non, l'autre !) sur l'humour et l'auto-dérision plutôt que de prendre au sérieux ses (réelles) compétences instrumentales. C'est pourquoi Ultrarock soutient le Nain d'Airain. Forza NanowaR !
PS : « Our metal is so strong ‘cos our dick is so long » (sans commentaire).


martedì 16 novembre 2010

Review - Mroczna Strefa - 9,5/10

MASAKRA!!! Co za album, co za muzyka!!! Szok, szok, szok!!! Porezało mi banię!!! Z tego podniecenia nie potrafię niczego, w miarę elokwentnego sklecić na potrzeby tej recenzji. Dajcie chwilkę. Uffff..... A więc tak. Formacja NANOWAR OF STEEL pochodzi z Włoch i gra coś, co ja osobiście nazwałbym "parody metal". Taki to już los pismaka, że musi cały czas do worków wrzucać. Pozwólcie jednak, że rozwinę swą myśl. Czemu "parody metal"??? Ano temu, że muzyka tej kapeli to po prostu jedne WIELKIE JAJA!!! Power/heavy metal o baaardzo humorystycznym zabarwieniu. Ich twórczość jest jak przezajebiście, ale to PRZEZAJEBIŚCIE dobra komedia. Śmiałem się przy tym do przysłowiowego rozpuku, a co za tym idzie, bardzo dobrze się bawiłem. Różnorodność pomysłów powala na kolana. Mamy tu kilka świetnych zapożyczeń, fenomenalnie wplecionych w autorską muzykę. "What a Wonderful World" Louisa Armstronga, "Another Brick In the Wall" PINK FLOYD, jest nawet Shaggy. Są to cholernie zaskakujące momenty, gdyż nic wcześniej nie wskazuje na pojawienie się któregoś z nich. Wchodzą znienacka, nie psując utworu. Świadczy to tylko o kapitalnym wyczuciu tematu. Ja jestem poskładany i tyle. Reszta należy już do Was.


Review - MetalTemple

I bet no one is unaware of this humoristic act from Italy that goes by the name of NANOWAR. This band seems that was formed to have fun of the Power Metal scene having as main “target” MANOWAR. Now, Power Metal is a very “sensitive” scene, since the die-hard fans do not like anyone to mess with their favorite bands and hence, NANOWAR is an outlaw band for them. To be honest with you, even I am not one of those fans, I feel kind of awkward listening to all these parody bands that seem without a certain purpose of existence.

On the other hand, we should not take everything gravely serious and sometimes bands like NANOWAR can be fun. At least, these Italians are self-releasing their albums and in fact you can find them in their officially site available for free download. So, “Into Gay Ride Pride” is the band’s third album and the references to MANOWAR’s “Into Glory Ride” are in some extent disturbing. Nevertheless, leaving aside the broadsword and the shield, one can have fun this album. The songs walk upon the MANOWAR structures with galloping rhythms, almost RHAPSODY OF FIRE vocals (here the Italian language helps the most) and lyrics that can be fun in some extent. Like in “Blood Of The Queens” with the “What A Wonderful World” break and the “Battle Hymn” guitar solo that follows or in “Odino & Valhalla ” and the ‘lambada’ guitar melody where you can smile or even laugh during the first listening. But sadly, that’s all; the album can not stay in the cd player for long and can be a nice cup coaster, unless it is in mp3 format making the delete button looking quite tempting…

If you know this band and you like your Metal served with “humor” and you can deal with parody songs, then you should download “Into Gay Ride Pride” and have fun. I have to acknowledge NANOWAR for having their releases free for everyone who can handle them. Fortunately, this was just for reviewing… next please!


mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

Review -

Die Italiener NANOWAR OF STEEL sind mir durch das Netz der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten schon seit geraumer Zeit geläufig. Sie nehmen sich selbst und auch die Großen der Szene kein Stück ernst, was darin gipfelt, dass sich Bands wie RHAPSODY (OF FIRE), MANOWAR und Konsorten ganz schön durch den Kakao gezogen werden. Mit “Into Gay Pride Ride” liegt nun das dritte Album der Spaßbande vor und wer jetzt schon das eine oder andere Mal an die Franken J.B.O. gedacht hat, kann sich absolut bestätigt fühlen.

Allerdings handelt es sich bei NANOWAR OF STEEL eben so wenig um Stümper, wie bei J.B.O. Vielmehr sind die Jungs äußerst fit an ihren Instrumenten und präsentieren uns auf “Into Gay Pride Ride” eine Mischung aus eigenen Ideen und bekannten Nummern. NANOWAR gehen dabei etwas derber zu Werke als ihr fränkisches Pedant. Die Macho- und Drachentöter-Klischees oben genannter Combos werden mit lustigen Nonsens-Texten persifliert, dass man teilweise, ob der Überspitztheit der Texte, aus dem Lachen kaum noch heraus kommt. Ganz weit vorne stehen dabei das überirdische “Blood Of The Queens” mit seinem Intro “The Nanowarriors Prayer” – das J.B.O.s gelungenes “Eine schöne Geschichte” noch um Längen schlägt – “Forest Of Magnaccions” oder der Opener “Nanowar” und das schnelle “Stormlord Of Power”. Die Songs sind so klug arrangiert, dass man sich immer an bekannte Songs (u.a. “The Bard’s Song”) erinnert fühlt, diese aber nicht wirklich von NANOWAR OF STEEL gecovert, sondern lediglich ähnlich arrangiert wurden. Wahrscheinlich wollen die Italiener damit einem erzürnten Joey DeMaio aus dem Weg gehen, der ihnen vermutlich mit einer Army Of Anwälten drohen würde.

Selbst als Fan kann man sich das Lachen aber kaum verkneifen, weil NANOWAR OF STEEL einfach zu gut an ihren Instrumenten sind und sie den Metal, auch wenn sie ihn verspotten, dennoch lieben. Es ist einfach lustig zu hören, wie geschickt die Band kurze Intermezzi von Nummern wie “Samba Pa Ti” (SANTANA), “Another Brick In The Wall” (PINK FLOYD) oder “Wonderful World” (LOUIS ARMSTRONG) und “Lambada” (KAOMA) in die Songs einbaut, ohne dabei den Metal-Aspekt aus den Augen zu verlieren. Eigentlich sind Typen wie der Mayonnaisen-Joey und Luca Turilli durch ihre Attitüde sowieso selbst schuld, wenn sie sich selbst so bierernst nehmen.

Die wenigen auf Italienisch gesungenen Songs können den Spaßfaktor nicht wirklich oben halten, wenn man der Sprache nicht mächtig ist. Rein musikalisch ist hier aber alles im grünen Bereich. Gleiches gilt auch für die Produktion, die ordentlich ballert. Wer J.B.O. mag, macht hier nix falsch. Wer den Metal generell auch gerne mal mit einem Augenzwinkern betrachtet, sollte sich NANOWAR OF STEEL auch einmal anhören.


sabato 6 novembre 2010

Interview - Metal Covenant

Italy's own perverse Manowar and Rhapsody Of Fire parody persuaders NanowaR Of Steel did it, and they are back, and up our ass with their new album - 'Into Gay Pride Ride ' - a bevy of True Metal anthems guaranteed to dwarf the competition and have the listener pissing himself.
I willingly interviewed the band to promote their new album. Like Bill and Ted, these masters of pizza believe in being excellent to each other, and partyin' all day. Christ, you got have fun! With acts like Manowar losing momentum, these forest of mineral dwellers will have you harping back to better times, cracking a smile, a cold beer, and perhaps even calling the number of the bitch.
MettleAngel: The new album is awesome. This is what Manowar used to sound like in the glorious '80s.

  • Abdul: Yes, we embody the power, and the spirit of the power, and the spirit of iron.

MettleAngel: You seem like Lich King with their verbose song, " Attack Of The Wrath Of The War Of The Death Of The Strike Of The Sword Of The Blood Of The Beast"! It also seems like you are heavily influenced by 'Kings Of Metal', even if the title of the album - 'Into Gay Pride Ride' - is a silly parody of 'Into Glory Ride'.

  • Baffo: We are the Spirit of Metal! We are young, we are strong, we are not looking for where we belong. We embody words like Power, Metal, Steel, Iron, Onanism, Slim-Fast, New World Odor and BLOWJUMP!

MettleAngel: What the fuck is a BLOWJUMP! By the term onanism, I assume you mean withdrawal of the penis in sexual intercourse, so that ejaculation takes place outside the vagina; otherwise known as coitus interruptus.With Manowar running out of ideas, like covering "Heaven & Hell" after Dio died, and now in the studio re-recording 'Battle Hymns', do you feel the band embody the True Spirit Of Metal, even if you do it in a humorous manner?

  • Uinona Raider: May The Steel be with you my friend, this is a poseur's question. Manowar rules now more than ever! Well...maybe... (Gatto): I totally agree with Uinona! ManowaR rock now more than ever. I think that publishing 45 triple DVDs, re-recording their older albums, then publishing new ones once every five years, and recording 23 times the same song in different languages, is indeed is a symptom of increased artistic inspiration.

MettleAngel: Surely you are being a bit sarcastic. With the success of acts like Steel Panther, Massacration, and Beatallica all poking fun at Metal, but playing with true talent and mettle hearts, how do you feel Nanowar Of Steel fits into this genre of spoof acts, all carrying the torch for Spinal Tap?

  • Abdul: Our torches are our swords, and our swords are made of flesh. We shake them every night, holding them, proudly with our right hands.
MettleAngel: Is this because your metal is so strong, 'cos your dick are so long, dangling out of your true metal underpants?

  • Gatto: Well, well, well, my friend, I have to tell you that we are indeed a serious band! We are really gay homosexuals and we do believe that singing "Metal Of The Power Of The Steel Of The Fight" is awesome, without any kind of irony.
MettleAngel: Fair enough, I suppose. The new album is very diversified musically. In the past you have explored other genres of music. Case in point, on the 'Made In Naples' release you had such songs as "Countrycycles Of Steel" with a Country / Western vibe, then you employed the Reggae style of "Poseur No Cry", and the very Extreme inspired "More Than True Metal Of The Words".

  • Baffo: My body says let us go, but my heart say... let us go!
MettleAngel: Uh... Ok! On this latest release there are some poppy cuts, and the hilarious dance techno version of "RAPsody" which is basically a happening cover of Rhapsody Of Fire's "Emerald Sword" - a song you also mocked with the ridiculously funny song "Emerald Fork". Some detractors feel that the band is not truly Metal, and maybe even mocking Metal, surely this is not the case. Care to explain to those who just do not get it.

  • Gatto: The case is as follows. Five jerk-offs from Rome once realized that they could combine the two things they loved most - Heavy Metal and Fun - into a single project called "NanowaR Of Steel". We play Heavy Metal and we have fun. If you do not get it, well, then there is a thick body of psychiatric literature on the consequences of having a low IQ. It is not up to me to go any further into that.
MettleAngel: So you are saying if you are not Metal, than you are mental?

  • Abdul: This is not the case, in fact the case is not this! This is only a case, not a personal computer!
MettleAngel: I will assuage and pursue a different cause. I guess the fact is either you get it or you do not, right?

  • Uinona Raider: Oh sorry I have no time to answer, for I am cooking.
MettleAngel: Do you mean that literally, or figuratively? What are you concocting?

  • Baffo: Get it, in the ass!
MettleAngel: Back to my case of inquiry, Rhapsody Of Fire, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, and Helloween all have released new albums this year. Most of these bands actually had quality releases. New Virgin Steele finally does not sound like Manowar, and surprisingly neither does new Ross The Boss. You have teased Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, what do you think of the new Accept album? Even Eddie Trunk considers it to be the Album Of The Year.

  • Gatto: Except for the negligible detail that I did not listen to it - I consider it awesome! (Abdul): Yes, it is wonderful! Tomorrow I will listen to it for the first time!
MettleAngel: Hopefully, you will agree with the consensus, and view it as a true comeback.

  • Baffo: Our dicks have the flavour of chocolate and vanilla. Other bands... they just Suck!
MettleAngel: Ok, Tell that to the ladies, not me! Who are Odino & Valhalla? What is with the break in the song which sounds like Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Explain to me the verse, "Lead us to Valhalla"?

  • Abdul: Valhalla is a station of our underground. In the lyrics we report a dialogue we had with the driver of the train..... seriously!
MettleAngel: Oh so now you are being serious! No, I understand, and that does make more sense, well except the music which is clearly a Pink Floyd homage.

  • Baffo: Odin is a Dj! Fernanduzzo, and nothing else matters!
MettleAngel: That would explain all the DJ clips, and interstitials all throughout the album. Hell I even hear the Shaggy Boombastic reference. Why do you use faux names, and are you deliberately parodying the late Vicious Rumors and Ruffians vocalist Carl Albert and the actress Winona Ryder? What is with the name Gatto Panceri 666?

  • Gatto: Ahahahahah this is actually the funniest thing I have ever read. Our singer's name is REALLY Carlo Alberto and I do not even know who the fuck Ruffians and Vicious Rumours are!
MettleAngel: How can you not know about Vicious Rumors from California? Their vocalist Carl Albert who played on 'Digital Dictator', the '90 self-titled release, and 'Welcome To The Ball' died in a tragic car crash in 1995. I am pleased to know that you are not mocking him, and this is Potowotominimak's actual name. As far as Winona Laura Horowitz, who gives a shit!

  • Abdul: I hate that you did not mention my name in this question, so I will answer with "blodrertoeterofludde".
MettleAngel: Sorry, Mr. Mohammed Abdul! What does that term mean?

  • Baffo: I have played the baton in the Original Soundtrack for the famous movie "Meet Joe's Black Bloc".
MettleAngel: If you say so! Let us discuss your lyrics. Your witty choice of words and phrases is so entertaining. Just watching the video for the song "NanowaR" says it all. The words in the song "Blood Of The Queens" following the "The Nanowarrior's Prayer" have me pissing myself. "Our metal is true, and true metal wins Leads us to fly on absorbent wings: 166 tampax are drowned in the blood of the queens". Obviously 166 is a reference to your song 'Number Of The Bitch". I noticed that you also reference famous composers like Chopin and Schopenhauer, and the famous philosophers Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Immanuel Kant on the super fast track "Stormlord Of Power". Are you well versed in existential philosophy, or do you just watch too much "Monty Python's Flying Circus"?

  • Gatto: I just like people whose name are Friedrich Wilhelm. For example: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm, Friedrich Wilhelm Feuerbach, Friedrich Wilhelm Hitler...
MettleAngel: Oh I get it!

  • Abdul: Change your slips quickly!! (Baffo): I thought to myself, "Sidestep the question!"
MettleAngel: DJames Bond, Mr. Baffo, you seem to be avoiding me. Gatto, tell me a bit about your educational background. I understand that you have a Masters degree in Theoretical Particle Physics, correct? So does this make you a Dr. Sheldon Cooper or Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter from the hit TV sit-com "Big Bang Theory"?

  • Gatto: I have never seen a single episode of the "Big Bang Theory". Yes, I do hold a MSc in Theoretical Physics, and I am enrolled in a PhD program in the same field of knowledge. (Baffo): I know only the "Gang Bang Theory" sorry! (Gatto): Moreover, I am fluent in six foreign languages, and I have sex with the most beautiful top models everyday. Only one of the above statements is a lie, guess which one.
MettleAngel: Well we all know what a stud puppet you are with the dudes, so I congratulate on your multilingual talent. What languages might those be? NanowaR should do a song in several languages like Manowar attempted, but make it a cool one like "Metal-La-La-La!" I wish I had a translation for "Lamento Erotico".

  • Abdul: I have a degree in chestnut cloning!!
MettleAngel: What pray tell the fuck is that! Moving on, even though it would appear that given the delicate nature of the material found in the lyrics, and your attitude, it would almost seem that the band comes off as being homophobic. I know that you are not. I am sure you are just making silly, whimsical songs. After all with lyrics like "Our metal's so strong, 'cos our dick is so long..." or... "For the Power, for the Glory, For the movie "Toy Story", For the "Hell On Stage Live", And Eiffel 65! Fight! Fight! Fight!" one can see it is all tongue in cheek.

  • Gatto: Even though I am deeply committed to the cause of the Serbian nationalism, I do not sympathize with that movement's view on homosexuality.
MettleAngel: That is good to hear. I cannot believe I just said both tongue in cheek and comes off together in that last statement!

  • Abdul: Yes mighty warrior, we all had sexual experiences with our teddy bears, which we are proud of!
MettleAngel: No not your teddy bears! Your over the top stance is like the new movie "Machete". The violence is so intense and cartoonish, that is becomes good, clean, friendly, violent fun, which has you laughing in the aisles. Care to comment.

  • Baffo: The last movie I have seen in a cinema is "Batman Begins" break the balls!"
MettleAngel: Was that with Heath Ledger or Mark Hamill? It is a well known fact that the band changed their name to Nanowar Of Steel when Rhapsody became Rhapsody Of Fire, mainly because Joey DeMaio screwed them over.

  • Baffo: Sure, but if you can not lick your ass you are not a cat. This is the world man.
MettleAngel: Call me the carpet king, and I do not lick cats! My wife Wendy spoke with Alex Staropoli earlier this year, and the band is still not legally allowed to comment on this issue. Interestingly enough, none of the members of Rhapsody Of Fire are bothered by Nanowar, not even the much maligned Luca Turilli. Alex was more upset by the death of Midnight from Crimson Glory, than he was by your take on "Emerald Sword". Have any other of the bands you parody ever commented on your songs?

  • Gatto: Our lawyer forbids us to talk about this. Or, better stated: if we said something explicit on this point, then we would have to hire a lawyer who would forbid us to release any further comment on the point. Therefore, the result would be the same - except for the lawyer's parcel. Is my point clear?
MettleAngel: Yeah, as you beat around the bush, like Rhapsody of Fire, you can not comment at this time. Do Steve Harris and Bruce Dickinson know about "The Number Of The Bitch". I am sure they would find it hysterical, unless Steve is playing too much tennis, over-exerercising his right hand.

  • Abdul: For the next album we want them playing with us (and with our ass, of course)!!
MettleAngel: I assume that you are all fans of Star Wars given the reference to being "D Jedis of the Universe". Are you like me, and a child at heart who will never grow up? I am totally digging the "Clone Wars" cartoon and reading all the books.

  • Abdul: I like very much Star Wars, my favourite character is captain Kirk.
MettleAngel: Oh I though it was Darth Spock!

  • Baffo: Yes, my favourite is "Star Wars Episode VII: Chewbacca Goes Wild With Two Chicks!"
MettleAngel: What a Wookie, he eats and chews all that fine tail on Kashyyyk!

  • Gatto: I love "Star Whores", expecially the point in which Luke Skywalker fists Princess Leia with his laser sword.
MettleAngel: Why would Luke use his light saber on his sister, when he has a fake metal hand, which probably vibrates! I am amazed how well the album is produced. The sound is so crisp. It blows away new Lordi, and they had Michael Waegner manning the knobs. How did you achieve this sound?

  • Abdul: By playing.
MettleAngel: With your knobs, or your instruments? Does each member play of variety of musical instruments, besides the skin flute?

  • Baffo: The mixer helped out too! (Gatto): Oh yeah, and Money also really helped.
MettleAngel: You actually have money? I though you spent that on your surprise love interests. You always allow free downloads of your albums, so how do you create your abundance? Does the band ever plan to tour outside of Italy? Would you ever consider coming to America, Neil Diamond style?

  • Abdul: Yes, in the future we will make a tour to Lichtestein and we played Andorra yesterday! (Gatto): Looking ahead we have these dates confirmed: 12.11.2010 - Zuerich (CH), 13.11.2010 -Villach, 18.03.2010 - Torino, 19.03.2010 - Prato. Also, I will present the NanoNote (Nanowar's notebook) and 'Into Gay Pride Ride' at the Raven Metal Bar in Barcelona, on Friday the 19th of November.
MettleAngel: Holy shit that is my 42nd Birthday!

  • Baffo: You hate us so much?
MettleAngel: What are you thinking? I do not hate you, but I do not love you like you want me to either.

  • Gatto: I would like to make a tour of internationally unrecognized counties like: Kosovo, Taiwan, North Cyprus, etc. That would be awesome!
MettleAngel: Indeed it would be! Is the recording of the 'Naples' album really live, or just you guys playing with yourselves in the studio?

  • Baffo: Yes! Dead would have been impossible!
MettleAngel: I mean did you perform it in front of a live audience, and then record it for your fans?

  • Abdul: Yes, except the drums, guitars, basses, and vocals, of course... (keyboards are played live, but they are silent in all our concerts).

MettleAngel: That explains why I never hear the keeper of those seven keys. How might one purchase a copy of the new CD? Is there going to be a vinyl pressing? This will definitely be one of my favourite albums of the year, as Steel Panther was for 2009.

MettleAngel: Why because NanowaR did it!

  • Abdul: You can order it, or if you prefer go to a sexy shop, instead.
MettleAngel: Should I get more videos and hotter stuff of porn? What can we expect in the future from NanowaR? Are any more Metal videos being produced? You can keep your own gay porn for your own collection.

  • Baffo: As I say, "Follow the White Rabbi".

Is he a slick Jew filled with grace? Honestly, I would love to see you do a cool video for "Blood Of The Queens". Oh and just to be sure when the young lad says, "Grandfather who were those Women?", the proper response is that they are "The Metal Queers", or is it "Metal Queens"?

  • Abdul: The response is, "Attack Kamchatka from Jacuzia with three tanks!"
MettleAngel: Oh I thought it was something else. I guess it gets lost in the translation, but the parody of Manowar is definitely there, even musically down to the last touch. If Joey ever finds out, you will beface his black arrow of death!

  • Gatto: Who were those...They were the Spice T-Girls!
MettleAngel: Are they the ones who fly on 166 super absorbent Tampax pads?

  • Gatto: In the sky!
MettleAngel: Just so you know, right after Happy Halloween, the unholiday season will be creeping in on us all. Will there be another festive Christmas with Nanowar? Will you be making any more snowmen shaped like Rob Halford, paying careful attention to where you insert the carrot. I can not believe Halford had a Christmas album last year! At least his new album 'Halford IV - Made Of Metal' is decent, and all new material.

  • Abdul: Let us hope it is so! We are just waiting to again have Santa Claus fill our socks (see the lyric to know how)!!
MettleAngel: I know, because he puts in it his big fat Christmas cock....

  • Abdul: Inside them we find the... inspiration for our Christmas songs.
MettleAngel: So this is where all the warm, gooey inspiration originates!

  • Baffo: When you build a snowman with Rob Halford, you should hope he just eats the carrot if you do not see it.
MettleAngel: I will not be making an Judas Snow beasts! Guys, or should I say, gays, thank you for pulling my chain, and for having a bit of fun! The new album rules! I hope this interview brings you a wider audience, and more True Metal Fans. I will be reviewing the CD for the same site where I wrote the review for 'Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay!'

  • Gatto: Thank You for your support!


    lunedì 1 novembre 2010

    Review - Lords Of Metal

    Our chief editor is a good man and a good friend, and has put up with a lot of my crap from my side this year! And although he knows I'm really grateful for his patience, I also knew that he would get even one day. But even I didn't see it coming that he would do it that with this band! As a fanatic Manowar supporter, I have always ignored and boycotted the Italian clowns of Nanowar (nowadays with the addition “Of Steel”) out of principal. The morons have now come up with their new album and looking at its cover artwork and its title, it already is obvious that they haven't changed one bit. Only this time I can't go around it and must and shall review this CD.

    Well then, here we go and let me already say that – to my own surprise – I have laughed my ass off! Musically the five Nanowarrior's are quite capable and do know how to rock. The album also starts with the strong rock n' roll-like 'Nanowar' and with their funny lyrics, the band immediately sets the mood for the rest of the record. From 'Stormlord Of Power' onwards, it is again mainly Manowar and Rhapsody Of Fire who are the main targets. And that continues happily on 'The Nanowarriors Prayer' and 'Blood Of The Queens' (with the one-on-one solo from 'Battle Hymn' in between). And to be honest; they do what they do in a hilarious way. Although in general it is mainly the two aforementioned bands who are mocked with, many other bands and even Pink Floyd have not been able to escape these morons. 'Odino & Valhalla' for example is a hilarious mix of Manowar, Rhapsody, a random folk metal band, Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick In The Wall' and even a little piece of ‘Lambada’, with the theme song from ‘The Good, The Bad And The Ugly’ through the whole thing. ‘Radio Grafia’ is a medley-like songs were classics like ‘Radio Gaga’ (Queen), ‘Breaking The Law’ (Judas Priest), ‘Can I Play With Madness’ (Iron Maiden) en ‘Master Of Puppets’ (Metallica) are brutally Nanowarized. Or what to think of ‘Surprise Love’, which is a parody of glam bands such as Poison and Bon Jovi, together with a piece of Shaggy’s ‘Boombastic’. And the list goes on and on…By the double closing song ‘Karkangnor’s Song’ – ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘In The Forest’ – it is Blind Guardian that has to suffer the Nanowar makeover.

    After hearing this record I can come to the next conclusions: I had already mentioned that the band definitely musically talented. Next to that they really have a sense of humour and have the gift to combine different bands and style in a hilarious way. And finally I can fully agree on what my colleague Koen said in his review for the band’s first full-length album, ‘Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay’: ” In my opinion [is Nanowar] a musical worship on such acts like Manowar, Gamma Ray and Rhapsody and a lyrical metal satire…” and the fact that you shouldn’t take these guys too seriously. Altogether ‘Into Gay Pride Ride’ is an amusing album nice to hear for once, but after that you’ve also heard it all so to say.


    Nanowar's Upcoming Events

    Upcoming NanowaR's activities! 
    Don't miss them.

    Switzerland: Zuerich, DynamoWerk 21

    Price: CHF 20, Gates Open: 19:30 [more informations]

    Villach, Grand Media Center Villach

    Price 7 EUR, NanowaR Of Steel will play at 21:45

    Spain: Barcelona, Raven Metal Bar

    Fiesta de presentación del album "Into Gay Pride Ride" y del Nanonote con Gatto Panceri 666 y Tuxbrain (no es un concierto!)
    Entrada libre sobre las 23:00 [más informaciones]

    Review - Metal CD Ratings - 4,5/5

    Nanowar did it! They have successfully created a masterpiece of over the top silly anthems. All shall love this mass menagerie of side-splitting surprises sure to satisfy any fan of Manowar or Rhapsody of Fire. If you have a taste for the near prurient and/or ridiculous humor in your music, then this is the band for you! Fans of Beatallica, Massacration, Weird Al, and even Steel Panther take note of these 5 homely mettlesexuals from Italy who play with their instruments in a manner sure to satiate any fan of true metal.

    The most important fact to realize is that this merry band of gay and happy metal-la-la-laughter makers have made their new CD entirely available as a free download from their website. If you have not seen the video for the song "Nanowar", I highly recommend that you do so with haste. This song, replete with some of the most whimsical lyrics ever, is pure fun. Then, the ever raging "Stormlord of power" follows with its own climatic conclusion. This plowed metal fisting fury is sure to keep your mouth agape.

    If it was not clear enough, Nanowar love classic Manowar. Personally, I have grown weary of the band and all the Manowar imitators. This once inspirational act have lost their momentum. Joey's tired and rude band is now re-recording 'Battle hymns', and why did they cover "Heaven & hell" as a tribute to Dio? Let us not even get into how badly Magic Circle Music screwed over Rhapsody! Thankfully new Ross the Boss and Virgin Steele both no longer sound like Manowar!

    "The nanowarrior's prayer" aptly begins with, "Grandfather tell me a story...". This even flow triumphantly becomes absorbed by "Blood of the queens" a parody which will surely seal the deal, fill the hole, and stop the blood flow. Even though the CD title is clearly a play on the 'Into glory ride' suggestion, the music is much more along the lines of my favourite Manowar release - 'Kings of metal'. The lyrics for "Blood of the queens" are some of the funniest words I have read:

    "For the Power, for the Glory,
    For the movie "Toy Story"
    For the "Hell On Stage Live"...
    Our metal is true, and true metal wins
    Leads us to fly on absorbent wings:
    166 Tampax are drowned in the blood of the queens"

    166 is clearly a reference to their spoof song "Number of the bitch". Just like their many war idols, these masters of pizzazz are careful to splice in several references to other past song titles and lyrics for good measure.

    "Surprise love" is a little ditty sure to entice fans of glam and all who let their hair grow long, down there. This sweet crying game, trains ye heart and mind to keep one eye open for any stray chickens who claim to be dames in distress, or is it cross-dress?

    "RAP-sody" is nothing more than a club mix of Rhapsody's own "Emerald sword" - a song where Nanowar previously practiced heightened raillery with brilliant persiflage in the song "Emerald fork" - thus commenting on the folly of the fast food industry. Obviously, they have not learned their lesson to avoid all these fatty foods, lipids, polysaccharides, and excrescence; because, they have written a 2-part ode to indigestion with "Karkagnor's song" thus creating their very own Bard's swansong of reverse peristalsis and gastrointestinal evacuation. Those fu*king Happy Meals have cursed them again!

    I should let you know that Nanowar like to mix many styles of music in their songs, and the DJedi interstitials all throughout, may annoy some. Given their mettle milieu, though I can see why they would want to do this. Once again they have songs in their native language, as well.

    On their live CD 'Made in Naples' they had the song "Countrycycles of steel", a Country/Western take on Queen. In the middle of "Odino & Valhalla", they break into Pink Floyd's "The wall" with a direct quote from their underground train conductor leading them to Valhalla - an actual destination en route.

    I recently interviewed the band for Metal Covenant, and they truly have a sense of mirth, and do not take much too seriously. As Gatto Panceri 666 plainly states: "Five jerk-offs from Rome once realized that they could combine the two things they loved most - Heavy Metal and Fun - into a single project called "Nanowar of Steel". If you do not get it, well, then there is a thick body of psychiatric literature on the consequences of having a low IQ."

    There you have it, so why not triumphantly treat yourself to some true miraculous metal, and flourish with the essential minerals. For these are more than words of wisdom, they are the legacy of powerful minds. There is no need to digitally steal, because with these epicene warriors everything is about freedom. 


    Review - - 88/100

    Inizio a scrivere questa recensione, e sono praticamente in preda al panico. Come si recensisce un disco di metal demenziale? Da dove parto? Come finisco il pezzo? Cosa ci metto in mezzo? Vale la pena parlare dei testi? Delle musiche? Della produzione? Nel caso specifico, penso proprio di no. Perchè i Nanowar non sono una normale band di metal demenziale: i Nanowar sono probabilmente La band di metal demenziale! Ed Into Gay Pride Ride ne è l'assoluta, brillante conferma, mettendosi nella posizione di essere apprezzato da chiunque non sia troppo bacchettone per farsi quattro risate innanzi a titoli come Lamento Erotico, Stormlord Of Power e Metropolis PT. 3 - The Legacy: perchè oltre a trattarsi di un disco divertentissimo dal punto di vista dei testi, Into Gay Pride Ride è composto, arrangiato, suonato e registrato in maniera assolutamente professionale. Detto in poche parole: i Nanowar sono una band con le palle.
    Vediamone insieme il perchè.

    Abbiamo sedici brani, di cui cinque sono funzionali solo a far ridere l'ascoltatore ed undici in cui i Nanowar prendono tutte le loro conoscenze in ambito rock e metal, evidenziando spessissimo i clichè testuali e musicali della nostra amata musica, come ben espresso dal divertentissimo primo paragrafo di Look At Two Reels, cantato a mo' di filastrocca:

    Sit down all you little children
    Listen well to me
    I'll tell you of Blind Guardian,
    Dragonforce and Rhapsody

    To listen to their songs
    You need to know a lot of things
    And read at least seventy times
    The "Lord Of The Rings"

    Tra tutti, i pezzi che più mi hanno divertito e colpito sono Forest Of Magnaccions e Lamento Erotico: la prima per la grande capacità autoironica (e per l'apparizione speciale di Piero Pelù, lo confesso!), la seconda per il bellissimo svolgimento della storyline, unita ad un arrangiamento da paura che non solo punta ai Rhapsody, ma per alcuni versi ci si avvicina anche qualitativamente... Notevole anche Odino & Valhalla (anche se i fan di Morricone e dei Pink Floyd potrebbero avere qualcosa da obiettare) e sorprendente Rap-Sody, che è la versione rappata della celeberrima Emerald Sword, lievemente adattata per l'occasione anche nei testi.

    Ora, chi non ha ancora ascoltato questa perla di metallo demenziale potrebbe lecitamente chiedersi: ma questi come si permettono di schernire dei gruppi che, nel bene e nel male, hanno delle capacità musicali al di sopra della media? Con che coraggio prendono in giro i Rhapsody o i Manowar? Ebbene, lasciatevelo dire... i Nanowar lo fanno perchè se lo possono permettere. Certo, le voci di Potowotominimak e Mr. Baffo non sono neanche paragonabili a quella di un Fabio Lione, ma diamine se "i ragazzi" ci sanno fare... i due infatti possiedono una capacità di variazione timbrica da far spavento, ed un'elasticità vocale impressionante. Non so quale di loro si impegni principalmente nel cantato del disco, ma a prescindere da questa nozione il lavoro svolto è eccezionale; lo stesso si può dire del chitarrista Mohammed Abdul: anche lui, non è che sia un David Gilmour o un Luca Turilli, ma la sua prestazione su Into Gay Pride Ride è inattaccabile. Non mi dilungherò oltre congratulandomi anche con il batterista Uinona Raider ed il bassista Gatto Panceri 666, tanto ormai penso che sia chiaro il mio pensiero a proposito... tuttavia, meritano i miei complimenti i fonici del Temple Of Noise e degli Storx Studios, perchè oggi come oggi è rarissimo sentire delle buone produzioni analogiche.

    Si sarà capito che ho amato alla follia Into Gay Pride Ride: l'ascolto (e possibilmente l'acquisto, anche se so che la band ha reso l'album scaricabile gratuitamente presso il loro sito ufficiale) è consigliato a tutti coloro che non si prendono troppo sul serio, e che desiderino ascoltare qualcosa di divertente e contemporaneamente di grande qualità. Nell'ambito della valutazione numerica del disco ho tenuto in considerazione la qualità delle composizioni e degli arrangiamenti dei brani, la composizione della tracklist, la qualità dell'esecuzione e della produzione e, naturalmente, la cosa più importante... il grado di divertimento che questo platter riesce a procurarmi. Vivissimi complimenti, Nanowar: colpito e affondato! 


    Review -


    MANOWAR, Louis Armstrong und Ennio Morricone vertonen gemeinsam "In And Out" mit Monty Python als Darstellern.
    Vor einigen Jahren durfte ich euch ja das offizielle Debüt der italienischen Chaoten von NANOWAR vorstellen, und seither haben sich dramatische Veränderungen ergeben. Um sich vertragsrechtlichen Problemen höchst dubioser Art zu entziehen und um die Identität und Kraft des Bandnamens besser in Szene zu setzen, sahen sich unsere Freunde vom Stiefel gezwungen, ihren bereits weltweit etablierten Bandnamen in das gewöhnungsbedürftige, aber natürlich viel mächtigere NANOWAR OF STEEL zu ändern. Ähnlichkeiten zu existierenden ernsthaften Bands sind voll beabs... äh... rein zufällig.

    Bin ich normalerweise nicht so sehr der Freund des musikalischen Kabaretts, so kann ich doch nicht umhin, diesen Jungs zu attestieren, dass die herrlich respektlose und boshafte Art der metallischen Persiflage schon ihren Reiz hat. Zum einen haben die Musiker technisch und kompositorisch wirklich einiges auf dem Kasten, das andere verhinderte Komiker der Szene nicht zu bieten haben, und zum anderen passt halt auch das Songwriting, beziehungsweise das Talent der Band, bekannte Motive aus zig verschiedenen Songs der unterschiedlichsten Bands durch den Reißwolf zu drehen und so zu rearrangieren, dass sich ein schlüssiger neuer Song ergibt, bei dem man zumindest ins Schmunzeln gerät, aber oft genug auch laut loslachen muss. Gerade der deutlich von MANOWAR inspirierte Doppelschlag mit 'The Nanowarrior's Prayer' und 'Blood Of The Queens' lässt den nicht ganz humorlosen Metaller locker aus dem Stuhl kippen. Man stelle sich vor, die mächtigen vier Reiter, von denen der Großvater erzählt, ritten keine Streitrösser sondern fuhren Dreiräder (of Steel), trügen statt Rüstung, Nieten und Leder, ausschließlich heißen Fummel und Strapse, und statt Hammer, Schwert, Axt und Keule doch eher Gegenstände aus dem Beate-Uhse-Katalog mit sich, um schließlich das 'Blood Of The Queens' zu besingen.

    So finden sich dann auch inmitten gesanglicher und musikalischer MANOWAR-Zitate plötzlich metallisch-episierte Passagen aus Loois Hamstrongs 'What A Wonderful World' bei denen zusätzlich ein gewisser Hanzi Kusch seine Stimme strapazieren darf. So werden in 'Odino I Valhalla' auf völlig unnachahmliche Weise Ennio Mozzicone, PINK FLOYDs 'Brick In The Wall' und ein unbekannter Armeno-Amerikaner namens Serjio Tankiani verwurstet, und - das ist das Seltsame - es funktioniert. Die Songs machen Spaß und sie laden zum Mitsingen ein. Klar, das ist bescheuert, was NANOWAR hier abziehen, aber es ist bei allem Irrsinn so cool gemacht, dass man einfach nicht anders kann, als gut gelaunt seinen Spaß daran zu haben. Das funktioniert auch, wenn MANOWAR, BON JOVI und Shaggy sich bei 'Surprise Love' die Hand reichen, wenn "Garloz Santanna" bei der Bandhymne die Saiten qualmen lässt.

    Textlich geht es wie gehabt um Schwule, Schwulsein, allerlei Reizwäsche und Sexspielzeug, die missliche Situation aus Versehen einen Partner vom eigenen Geschlecht zu ehelichen, und sich schließlich doch damit zu arrangieren, und zu guter letzt um Elben, Zwerge und Orks die in einer Wohngemeinschaft eine erotische Vielecksbeziehung mit einem gewissen Luca Tour Hill, Lou-Ka Tu-Ril oder Luka Turillee führen. Über die schlüpfrigen Details möchte ich an dieser Stelle den Mantel des Schweigens hüllen. Nein, politisch korrekt ist das alles nicht, ernst nehmen kann man es auch nicht, aber trotzdem: Stellt euch vor MANOWAR, Louis Armstrong, Ennio Morricone und SYSTEM OF A DOWN vertonen gemeinsam "In And Out" mit Monty Python als Darstellern - das muss einfach Laune machen!